Tournament Report
On the Maher/Fuller Bannings
- by Andrew Stout
I just got finished reading the articules on www.Brainburst.com about the bannings of Maher and Fuller, I would like to bring this topic into full discussion here on The Tome.
First off Fuller really had no large offense, repeat infractions of miss playing of cards and disrespect to other players over and over again isn't all to convient for the Pro Tour or the great players who "earned" their way there. I kinda agree with Fuller's suspension but I do not agree with everyone else claiming he wasn't suspended for long enough, what he did was rather minor and held no large disruption as to Maher's large offense. If what I hear is true about a player loosing all his DCI points for not not playing in a sanctioned tournament for a year then Fuller's points will be stripped back down to 1600. As for Maher's will only loose the points that he gained by fraud, now look at this a little closer, Fuller loosing all his points for "misbehavior" to a small offense or Maher's tournament fraud gaining him points and granted to the Pro Tour. Maher should of been givin a two year suspension for his unrightful and dishonest ac! ts, what Maher did wasn't honest nor respectable even though he came forward as a "Whistel Blower" this seems really unfair to a player like Fuller who earned his way onto the tour and had unpleasent acts on the tour.
Maher has the skill to be on the tour and I'm sure that it would of been a matter of time before his skills got him there, I do not see why he wasted his time doing this, giving him a suspension, I also belive if Maher was suspended for 6 months that he should have his rating raped down to 1600, to let him "prove" his skills and earn his way back onto the Pro Tour to prove to us all how good of a player he really is, I think he could do it, and I think that Fuller is a great player even though he has had minor playing errors and disrespect he should of only been suspended for 6 months not a year.
Let me know what you think post a reply or email me directly at HappySpankyMunky@AOL.com.
(Editor's Note: Until the bulletin board/feedback system installation is finished, posting a reply isn't an option quite yet. The Tome, however, will be happy to print any responses to the Maher/Fuller incident, so email them in.)
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