Tournament Report
Provincials in Ontario, 2nd...
- by mal
Well, after ready Tedmans article, i decided to write my report here. In Ontario, we have around 135 players, or something like that. Some of them are members of Motl also, noticeably, Cliff, Pitcher, Sporto, and a bunch of other players. Well, lets get started... I chose to play UGr, that "r" is very very small, becuase my entire deck only consisted of 4 red 4/2 creatures, yep FTK, if you can't beat them, join them. So i took out temporal springs, traded for some CoBs and put in this amazing creature. So, this year, there were 8 rounds of Swiss, cut to Top 8. Before, i start, i will say that i did not take down the last names of my opponents, so please excuse me for my laziness. Ok, ROUND 1--- FIGHT! I faced Mark, i have seen him around, he usually posts at Bdominia, but i was suprised to see him play T2. Game 1: AFter seeing him lay his Yavimaya coast and a nimble mongoose, i was in for a mirror. I followed with my own Nimble Mongoose, in which we both traded. Again we both play Wild Mongrel, this is where the mess up is. Mark realized that he did not draw for his 1st turn, i went first btw. So i decided to attack with the Mongrel, we ended up going into Top deck mode, which i won. After getting a creature and casting 2 standstill, i just beat him with snakes and counter magic. Game 2: Mark SBed in Equilibrium to help him race with my creatures, but nonetheless, my Red Creatures came to the rescue and gave me the Creature advantage. 1-0. Round 2-- FIGHT ON. This round i got paired vs a "scrub", he was playing a cool Twilights Call deck, with Morque Toad and BloodPet... SO i was surprised, but again, i just overwhelmed him with my Gaea's Skyfolks and Mongrels Game 2: I didn't even bother to SB vs him, and again wins mercilessly. 2-0 Round 3--YEP, FIGHTING TIME Whoohoo, i get to play Gab Tsang, i was intimidated, becuase he is a Big Pro here in Canada. But i was happy to see that he was playing UW Control, my deck has really good chances vs Controls of any sort. Game 1: I played some threats, he bounces them with Aether Burst... Keep going back and forth. Until one key play, where i have 1 skyfolk, and was ahead in life points in play along with hin MedMage, i played stanstill. SO in response, he Aetherbursts my creature, so being tapped out, i diverted to his own Mage, Standstill gave me card advantage to overtake Gab. Game 2: In goes 2 disrupts. My opening hand consisted of 3 CoBs, and some early threates, so i decided to keep, So by the 4 or 5th turn, i am already down to 14 because of Painland damage. Gabe was able to repeated Hibernate my creatures, so i lost to two points of Magpie Damage. Yes he only dealt me a total of 2 damage that whole game, and my lands did the rest of the 18. Game 3: With only about 3 minutes left, i did not even bother, so i just asked to draw, and he was happy to. ASIDE: I still believe that my deck can run over control decks anyday of the week, just becuse my lands were killing me, but if we had time, i think that i would have won anyways. 2-0-1 ROund 4--MUST FIGHT, 1/2 WAY THERE. i got paired up vs Don Chambers, the night before, he and i were at Skyfox play testing so i was very confident that i could beat him. he was playing BR Land Destruction with Braids. Game 1: My Nimble Mongoose with Threshold eventually killed him. But he did put up a good fight killing all my other guys with FTKs and Terminates. IT was close, i won with being at 3 life. Game 2: I knew that he would SB in Pyroclasm, as this was the card i told him to put in before the tourney. After Diverting some Land Destruction and dropping another Nimble Mongoose with Standstills, he caved afterwards. 3-0-1 ASIDE 2: after this match, i played vs Cliff for fun, his UGr vs my UGr, we were discussing some of the differences in our decks, how i ran less red and more countermagic and his deck was more aggro. But in the end, i believed i won like 4 games in a row, and finally conceded to Cliff during the 5th game to make him happy. Round 5--STILL UNDEFEATED I faced Sam Lau this round, from earlier games i can see that he was playing a very good constructed version of RG Beatdown. Game 1: All my creatures were burned and he dropped several Call Herds on me, i can't handle the card disadvantage, i roll over very quickly. Game 2: I SBed in some Jungle Barriers and Washout to deal with his Tokens. Washout proved to be key as it enabled me to clear out this side of the board and allowed my Wild Mongrels to go in for the kill. Game 3: This game i drew 4 lands in a row, but luckily for me, so did Sam, actually he drew a lot of lands, and no business spells, so i was able to out race him in the air with Skyfolks 4-0-1 Round 6-- JUST 2 MORE FIGHTS This was the quickest match for me, my opponent was playing Domain, and again MY DECK EATS CONTROL. Game 1: The only spell that i allowed him to play was Lay of the Lands and Harrow, as i counter/snake/lapsed and drew cards off of standstill and won. Game 2: SBed in Elvish Lyrist and the ONE Simplify. I allowed him to play Global ruin as i was holding back with my lands, after bouncing his Restraints and Overgrown Estates, my creatures roamed over his Domain once again. 5-0-1 Round 7- MY FIRST LOSS i get paired up with the only undefeated player, Kyle Reid, aka Sporto, playing UBW he offered to draw, but with only 5 wins, i needed 1 more win to ensure a Top 8 Spot Game 1: He opened with 3 Gerrads Verdict, but my Standstill allowed me to regain the cards, but he did manage to gain about 15 life with the Verdicts, but somehow, i manage to win... Game 2: This game was all his, every card he played was 2 for 1, Verdicts, FTK and Legion Goblinaires, and my deck can't handle mutiple Spectral Lynxes. Game 3: Sadly, see game 3, except with more Goblin tokens via Goblin Trenches. 5-1-1 ROUND 8--MUST WIN!!! Ok, this is it, do or die, Win= Top 8, Loss= Too bad for Lammy. I am paired vs Elijah Pollock, he was playing this cool UG deck using Nimble Mongoose and Roar of the Wurm with threshold. Game 1: After noticing him missing a land drop, i lapsed him lay of the land TWICE and snaked it for the 3rd time, after which he scoopped. Game 2: He deck gave him a 4th turn 6/6 Wurm, Now how is my deck able to handle a 4th turn FatNasty. I got pumpled badly. Game 3: i SBed out some counters in favour of Washouts. We were racing, i held in my hand a Washout, ready for his Elephants and Wurm tokens, again he was land light, so he had to tap out to cast a Wurm from the grave yard, so all i have to do is top deck Rushing River and i am IN. So during my upkeep, i told him that... Heres my River, and i turned it over, There it was. Actually, i was holding Washout in my hand, so i could have just Washout green and make my WILD MONGRELS Pink and go in for the girly kill, but still, it was fun to see the shock on his face. So i made Top 8, being the 3rd seed. ASIDE 3: During the swiss, i faced none of the popular Decks, no Oppo, no Finkels, just a lot of Roguish decks. TOP 8 ROund 1: YES, CONTROL i faced the same guy i didn't in round 5, playing Domain, i was kind of arrogant, sayting that this will be quick, but it was true, i killed him in less than 10 mins, we finished our games befre Gab Tsang even finished him Shuffling, ( maybe not that quickly, but you get the idea) See ROUND 5, becuase it was teh same thing, i play some creatures, counter his Deeds, and kills him. ROUND 2: MORE CONTROL I get to redeem myself, i will be playing vs Gab Tsang. Game 1: I knew my chances were good for the 1st game, no fear of Hibernations, so i just threw every card at Gabe and his Countermagics, and was able to memory lapse his Magpie so to clear my way for him creatures. Game 2: same SB, just 2 disrupts. I opened with a nimble Mongoose, and he followed with a 2nd turn MedMage, so we were at a race, but after taking some damage, i bounced his mage to his hand, and played a standstill, with the Mongose still in play, but no threshold yet, so Gabe took about 8 damage form NM, and on the finall turn of Threshold, him having 50000 lands, he began to play some spells. Started of with an EOTFOFYL, which i allowed, then he played some Mages and Magpies, with i counter the magpie, and a counter war ensued... so he ended up with 1 card in hand and 2 lands untapped, and me with 4 cards. On my turn, i drew, played 2 creatures, and a StanSTILL, as you recall, from round 3, Gabe AEtherBurst my creature in response, and i diverted, BUT this time he knew that i could be holding a divert, so he targeted 2 creatures, but with only 1 mana myself, i calmly tapped the Cob for a U and disrupted his Burst, this realy surprised him as i have just won the game. ON his turn, he drew, with nO Topdeccking a Wrath, he soon scooped. ROUND 3- ALL HOPES GAIN GONE... i sit across from Kyle Reid, the only guy that beat me in the Swiss. he offered to draw, but i was like, No, we are only playing for several packs, so lets just play it out. Even though i knew that my chances of winning this matchup was extremely low, i still wanted to play. I mean, who came to Provincials, gets to the final to Draw? Game 1: He went 1st turn duress, 2 and 3rd turn LEgionnaires and it was all down hill from there, even my attempt to slow him down with Rushing Rivers did no avail. Game 2: i SBed in some Barriers to fend of those pesky Goblins. After seeing a 2nd turn Spectal Lynx i realized that i made a SB mistake, i should have SBed in the Dodecapods, at least the could block the lyns. Once again, my Skyfolks, and Mongrels, and FTK could not kill the lynx, so on one of his turns, he tapped 1R and pyroclasmed, a OnE-Side WoG in his case, so i was left with no creaures, 5 ot 6 lands, and a Jungle Barrier to face his 2 lynxes, i DIE relatively shortly afterwards. Well, that is that. i am done Oh yah, the all Important Deck list Land 24 7 island 6 forest 4 Yavi coast 4 City 1 keldon Necropolis 1 Shivan Reef 1 Shivan Oasis Creatures 20 4 Wild Mongrels (Best bear) 4 Skyfolk (2nd Beast Bear) 4 Nimble Mongoose (Blurred Mongoose? Nah...) 4 FTK (Best RED CREATURE) 4 Mysticsnake (My Version of Undermines) Others 16 4 Counterspell (My fav. Card) 4 Memory Lapse ( its like Timewalk in this deck) 3 Standstills ( Combined with Time walk, this is the Ancestral Recall) 3 Rushing River (My form of removal) 2 Divert ( Just in case) Sideboard: 15 3 Dodecapod 2 disrupt 3 Jungle Barrier 3 Washout 2 Elvish Lyrist 1 Elvish Druid 1 Simplify Thanks for reading my report, later.
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